Glaucoma is a serious condition of the eyes that you need to get treated for as soon as possible. Most patients will first discover they have the condition at their traditional eye exams, but if you miss out on appointments or refuse to go, you may allow the disorder to progress, and your eyes can get worse than before. But when you are worried about suffering from glaucoma, who is the best doctor to visit to help provide the treatment you need?
An ophthalmologist is the best doctor to visit to help you treat glaucoma and any of the conditions that go with it. There are some states which will allow an optometrist to have this kind of license, but it is not true in every state. The ophthalmologist will also have more education and have the time to learn how to do laser treatments and other surgeries to give your eyes the best chance when suffering from glaucoma too.
Taking care of the health of your eyes is important if you would like them to stay healthy and happy for years to come. When glaucoma becomes a major concern, you need to work with the best eye doctor to help take care of the eyes and keep them in the best shape possible. Let’s look more into why an ophthalmologist is the eye doctor to help deal with glaucoma.
Which Doctor Can Treat My Glaucoma?
When you are suffering from glaucoma, it is important to visit the right specialist for the necessary treatment. For most patients, this means that they need to work with an ophthalmologist to help handle the issue. These doctors are going to spend a minimum of three years after they are done in medical school training at a medical center to learn more about the eyes as well.
During that time, these professionals will spend a good deal of time around patients who suffer from glaucoma and other problems of the eyes. In fact, they may deal with some cases that are more difficult than what they would see in their normal practice, giving them more of a chance to work on the hard cases and learn how to treat the condition as well.
The ophthalmologist will also have the necessary skills when it comes to performing laser treatments and different surgeries for glaucoma. They may also know when these surgeries are a better option compared to using drops or pills. It will depend on the individual patient and how the eye doctor thinks they will respond to each treatment as well.
With the extra experience and education surrounding glaucoma and the fact that these eye doctors are able to do surgery if it is necessary to protect the eye and the vision, it makes sense that the patient will want to work with an ophthalmologist if they have trouble with glaucoma in their eyes.
Can an Optometrist Help with Glaucoma?
Some patients will want to see an optometrist help with their glaucoma and other eye conditions. They may not have a specialist in the area, or they may have gone to the optometrist for years and do not want to switch. Whether the optometrist will be able to help out with glaucoma or not will depend.
Optometrists are now licensed in many states throughout the country to help prescribe the necessary medications for glaucoma. This is not possible in every state, so you will have to talk to your eye doctor to see what they are able to provide to you. In most cases, though, the glaucoma treatment is going to be more of a matter of experience and judgment, and an ophthalmologist will be the best option for you when it comes to that.
In some cases, the optometrist will be able to handle some of the routine and uncomplicated cases of glaucoma. As professionals, they will be able to listen to some of your concerns with the condition, explain their training, and tell you a good referral to make sure that you get the right treatment for your needs if they are not able to handle it. In most cases, you will need to work with an eye specialist to take care of the issues that come with glaucoma, and an ophthalmologist is the one who will have that experience.
Choosing the Right Eye Doctor to Treat Glaucoma
Whether the glaucoma is just starting out or it is a problem that you have had for a number of years, it is a good idea to choose the right eye doctor to help provide some of the treatment that you need. With the right ophthalmologist by your side, you can take care of the health of your eyes and ensure that they stay healthy for years to come.